Climate goals

Protecting the climate is one of the toughest challenges we face this century. Avoiding fossil fuels, such as oil and gas, is one of the main goals of all 197 countries.

On signing the Paris Agreement, the global community of states, including Carinthia, is obliged to implement the agreed goals. If we are serious about taking responsibility for present and future generations, this means turning away from coal, oil and natural gas and switching to renewable energies.

All three biomass cogeneration plants located in Klagenfurt and Liebenfels guarantee security of supply with district heating and green electricity and thus make a considerable contribution to climate protection.


“So far, the city of Klagenfurt has saved 276,000 t of CO2 due to climate protection measures, half of which was achieved by switching the district heating supply from Fossil fuel to biomass.”

Dr. Wolfgang Hafner, Department Head of Climate and Environmental Protection, Municipal Administration of the state capital of Klagenfurt a. Ws.

Positive effects

The state capital Klagenfurt a. Ws. has been a member of the ambitious European movement “Convention of Mayors for Climate and Energy” since 2011.

This initiative aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% and at the same time increase the share of renewable energy by 20% by 2020. The aim is to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030.

The overriding goal of the Smart City strategy practised by the state capital Klagenfurt am Ws. is virtually complete decarbonisation by 2050. The proposals for measures developed in the city’s fields of action make it possible to achieve the targets and place emphasis on maintaining a high quality of life for present and future generations.

By constructing and operating the Ost, Süd and Nord biomass cogeneration plants, it has been possible to increase the share of renewable energy in the supply mix of Klagenfurt’s district heating to over 80%.

Benefits for the city:

  • Reducing emissions of respirable dust and NOx
  • Strengthening the economy by using domestic raw materials and technology
  • Bioenergie Kärnten supplies 27,500 households at approx. 450,000 MWh that is 80% of the CO2-free district heating requirement. 94 MW green heat.
  • Around 40,000 households are supplied with 140,000 MWh of green electricity as a by-product of district heating generation. 20 MW green energy.